1.首先选中要切割的图集,texture type 选为default,并勾选Advanced下的read/Write Enabled。
2.texture type改为sprite(2D and UI),Sprite mode 选为Multiple,apply一下。
3.点击Sprite Editor切割图片。
4.选中图集右键然后选择imageslicer选择process to Sprites。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; /// <summary> /// 切割 /// </summary> public static class ImageSlicer { [MenuItem("Assets/ImageSlicer/Process to Sprites")] static void ProcessToSprite() { Texture2D image = Selection.activeObject as Texture2D;//获取旋转的对象 string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(image));//获取路径名称 string path = rootPath + "/" + image.name + ".PNG";//图片路径名称 TextureImporter texImp = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter;//获取图片入口 AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(rootPath, image.name);//创建文件夹 foreach (SpriteMetaData metaData in texImp.spritesheet)//遍历小图集 { Texture2D myimage = new Texture2D((int)metaData.rect.width, (int)metaData.rect.height); //abc_0:(x:2.00, y:400.00, width:103.00, height:112.00) for (int y = (int)metaData.rect.y; y < metaData.rect.y + metaData.rect.height; y++)//Y轴像素 { for (int x = (int)metaData.rect.x; x < metaData.rect.x + metaData.rect.width; x++) myimage.SetPixel(x - (int)metaData.rect.x, y - (int)metaData.rect.y, image.GetPixel(x, y)); } //转换纹理到EncodeToPNG兼容格式 if (myimage.format != TextureFormat.ARGB32 && myimage.format != TextureFormat.RGB24) { Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(myimage.width, myimage.height); newTexture.SetPixels(myimage.GetPixels(0), 0); myimage = newTexture; } var pngData = myimage.EncodeToPNG(); //AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(myimage, rootPath + "/" + image.name + "/" + metaData.name + ".PNG"); File.WriteAllBytes(rootPath + "/" + image.name + "/" + metaData.name + ".PNG", pngData); // 刷新资源窗口界面 AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } }
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