利用 Python 实现随机相对强弱指数 StochRSI
- 一、StochRSI如何运作?
- 二、如何使用StochRSI?
- 三、基于均值回归的StochRSI 策略
- 四、StochRSI 和动量策略
最初是在1994年由Stanley Kroll
和Tushar Chande
撰写的题为《The NewTechnical Trader》的书中描述。它经常被股票交易者使用。
Stoch RSI = (Current RSI - Lowest RSI)/(Highest RSI - Lowest RSI)
我们将通过 Python 中的回测来介绍 RSI
和 StochRSI
三、基于均值回归的StochRSI 策略
最常见的 StochRSI
策略基于均值回归。与 RSI 一样,StochRSI
通常使用 80 来表示做空的超买水平,使用 20 来表示要买入的超卖水平。此外,14 天的回顾和平滑期很常见。出于我们的目的,我们将坚持使用这些标准值。
现在编写代码,让我们在 Python 中导入一些标准包。
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import yfinance as yf
接下来,我们将构建一个函数来计算我们的指标。我们将其称为 calcStochRSI(),
它将依靠一些函数来计算 RSI 和随机振荡器,以获得我们选择的指标。
def calcRSI(data, P=14): # Calculate gains and losses data['diff_close'] = data['Close'] - data['Close'].shift(1) data['gain'] = np.where(data['diff_close']>0, data['diff_close'], 0) data['loss'] = np.where(data['diff_close']<0, np.abs(data['diff_close']), 0) # Get initial values data[['init_avg_gain', 'init_avg_loss']] = data[ ['gain', 'loss']].rolling(P) # Calculate smoothed avg gains and losses for all t > P avg_gain = np.zeros(len(data)) avg_loss = np.zeros(len(data)) for i, _row in enumerate(data.iterrows()): row = _row[1] if i < P - 1: last_row = row.copy() continue elif i == P-1: avg_gain[i] += row['init_avg_gain'] avg_loss[i] += row['init_avg_loss'] else: avg_gain[i] += ((P - 1) * avg_gain[i] + row['gain']) / P avg_loss[i] += ((P - 1) * avg_loss[i] + row['loss']) / P last_row = row.copy() data['avg_gain'] = avg_gain data['avg_loss'] = avg_loss # Calculate RS and RSI data['RS'] = data['avg_gain'] / data['avg_loss'] data['RSI'] = 100 - 100 / (1 + data['RS']) return data def calcStochOscillator(data): data['low_N'] = data['RSI'].rolling(N).min() data['high_N'] = data['RSI'].rolling(N).max() data['StochRSI'] = 100 * (data['RSI'] - data['low_N']) / \ (data['high_N'] - data['low_N']) return data def calcStochRSI(data, P=14, N=14): data = calcRSI(data) data = calcStochOscillator(data) return data def calcReturns(df): # Helper function to avoid repeating too much code df['returns'] = df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift(1) df['log_returns'] = np.log(df['returns']) df['strat_returns'] = df['position'].shift(1) * df['returns'] df['strat_log_returns'] = df['position'].shift(1) * df['log_returns'] df['cum_returns'] = np.exp(df['log_returns'].cumsum()) - 1 df['strat_cum_returns'] = np.exp(df['strat_log_returns'].cumsum()) - 1 df['peak'] = df['cum_returns'].cummax() df['strat_peak'] = df['strat_cum_returns'].cummax() return df
有了这些功能,我们只需要为我们的策略构建逻辑就可以了。还要注意,我们有一个名为 calcReturns
这意味着回归模型将在 StochRSI
高于 80 时做空或卖出,并在低于 20 时买入。
def StochRSIReversionStrategy(data, P=14, N=14, short_level=80, buy_level=20, shorts=True): '''Buys when the StochRSI is oversold and sells when it's overbought''' df = calcStochRSI(data, P, N) df['position'] = np df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']<buy_level, 1, df['position']) if shorts: df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>short_level, -1, df['position']) else: df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>short_level, 0, df['position']) df['position'] = df['position'].ffill() return calcReturns(df) table = pd.read_html('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies') df = table[0] syms = df['Symbol'] # Sample symbols # ticker = np.random.choice(syms.values) ticker = "BSX" print(f"Ticker Symbol: {ticker}") start = '2000-01-01' end = '2020-12-31' # Get Data yfyfObj = yf.Ticker(ticker) data = yfObj.history(startstart=start, endend=end) data.drop(['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Volume', 'Dividends', 'Stock Splits'], inplace=True, axis=1) # Run test df_rev = StochRSIReversionStrategy(data.copy()) # Plot results colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 8)) ax[0].plot(df_rev['strat_cum_returns']*100, label='Mean Reversion') ax[0].plot(df_rev['cum_returns']*100, label='Buy and Hold') ax[0].set_ylabel('Returns (%)') ax[0].set_title('Cumulative Returns for Mean Reversion and' + f' Buy and Hold Strategies for {ticker}') ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.6]) ax[1].plot(df_rev['StochRSI'], label='StochRSI', linewidth=0.5) ax[1].plot(df_rev['RSI'], label='RSI', linewidth=1) ax[1].axhline(80, label='Over Bought', color=colors[1], linestyle=':') ax[1].axhline(20, label='Over Sold', color=colors[2], linestyle=':') ax[1].axhline(50, label='Centerline', color='k', linestyle=':') ax[1].set_ylabel('Stochastic RSI') ax[1].set_xlabel('Date') ax[1].set_title(f'Stochastic RSI for {ticker}') ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.75]) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
在我们研究的 21 年期间,均值回归策略击败了Boston Scientific(BSX
)的买入和持有策略,回报率为 28 倍,而后者为 2 倍。
在第二个图中显示了 StochRSI
和一些关键指标。我还添加了 RSI 以与更不稳定的 StochRSI
进行比较。这导致交易频繁,如果您的账户较小且交易成本相对较高,这可能会严重影响您的实际回报。我们只是在一个工具上运行它,所以最终进行了 443 笔交易,或者每 12 天交易一次,这看起来并不多。但是,如果我们要使用该指标管理适当的工具组合并频繁进行交易,我们每天可能会进出多笔交易,交易成本会变得很高。
# Get trades diff = df_rev['position'].diff().dropna() trade_idx = diff.index[np.where(diff!=0)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) ax.plot(df_rev['Close'], linewidth=1, label=f'{ticker}') ax.scatter(trade_idx, df_rev[trade_idx]['Close'], c=colors[1], marker='^', label='Trade') ax.set_ylabel('Price') ax.set_title(f'{ticker} Price Chart and Trades for' + 'StochRSI Mean Reversion Strategy') ax.legend() plt.show()
要查看整体策略的一些关键指标,让我们看看使用以下 getStratStats
def getStratStats(log_returns: pd.Series, risk_free_rate: float = 0.02): stats = {} # Total Returns stats['tot_returns'] = np.exp(log_returns.sum()) - 1 # Mean Annual Returns stats['annual_returns'] = np.exp(log_returns.mean() * 252) - 1 # Annual Volatility stats['annual_volatility'] = log_returns * np.sqrt(252) # Sortino Ratio annualized_downside = log_returns.loc[log_returns<0].std() * np.sqrt(252) stats['sortino_ratio'] = (stats['annual_returns'] - risk_free_rate) \ / annualized_downside # Sharpe Ratio stats['sharpe_ratio'] = (stats['annual_returns'] - risk_free_rate) \ / stats['annual_volatility'] # Max Drawdown cum_returns = log_returns.cumsum() - 1 peak = cum_returns.cummax() drawdown = peak - cum_returns stats['max_drawdown'] = drawdown.max() # Max Drawdown Duration strat_dd = drawdown[drawdown==0] strat_ddstrat_dd_diff = strat_dd.index[1:] - strat_dd.index[:-1] strat_dd_days = strat_dd_diff.map(lambda x: x.days) strat_dd_days = np.hstack([strat_dd_days, (drawdown.index[-1] - strat_dd.index[-1]).days]) stats['max_drawdown_duration'] = strat_dd_days.max() return stats rev_stats = getStratStats(df_rev['strat_log_returns']) bh_stats = getStratStats(df_rev['log_returns']) pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(rev_stats, index=['Mean Reversion']), pd.DataFrame(bh_stats, index=['Buy and Hold'])])
在这里,我们看到该策略的回报率为 28 倍,而基础资产的年度波动率大致相同。此外,根据 Sortino
和 Sharpe
Ratios 衡量,我们有更好的风险调整回报。
在 2020 年的新冠疫情中,我们确实看到了均值回归策略的潜在问题之一。该策略的总回报大幅下降,因为该策略的定位是向上回归,但市场继续低迷,该模型只是保持不变 . 它恢复了其中的一部分,但在这次测试中从未达到过疫情之前的高点。正确使用止损有助于限制这些巨大的损失,并有可能增加整体回报。
四、StochRSI 和动量策略
我们之前提到的另一个基本策略是使用 StochRSI
def StochRSIMomentumStrategy(data, P=14, N=14, centerline=50, shorts=True): ''' Buys when the StochRSI moves above the centerline, sells when it moves below ''' df = calcStochRSI(data, P) df['position'] = np.nan df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>50, 1, df['position']) if shorts: df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']<50, -1, df['position']) else: df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']<50, 0, df['position']) df['position'] = df['position'].ffill() return calcReturns(df)
# Run test df_mom = StochRSIMomentumStrategy(data.copy()) # Plot results colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 8)) ax[0].plot(df_mom['strat_cum_returns']*100, label='Momentum') ax[0].plot(df_mom['cum_returns']*100, label='Buy and Hold') ax[0].set_ylabel('Returns (%)') ax[0].set_title('Cumulative Returns for Momentum and' + f' Buy and Hold Strategies for {ticker}') ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.6]) ax[1].plot(df_mom['StochRSI'], label='StochRSI', linewidth=0.5) ax[1].plot(df_mom['RSI'], label='RSI', linewidth=1) ax[1].axhline(50, label='Centerline', color='k', linestyle=':') ax[1].set_ylabel('Stochastic RSI') ax[1].set_xlabel('Date') ax[1].set_title(f'Stochastic RSI for {ticker}') ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.75]) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
mom_stats = getStratStats(df_mom['strat_log_returns']) bh_stats = getStratStats(df_mom['log_returns']) pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(mom_stats, index=['Momentum']), pd.DataFrame(rev_stats, index=['Mean Reversion']), pd.DataFrame(bh_stats, index=['Buy and Hold'])])
到此这篇关于利用 Python
实现随机相对强弱指数 StochRSI
实现随机相对强弱指数 StochRSI